Welcome to the homepage of the
„Münchener Kreis“ - Expert Panel of Construction Equipment e.V.


The “Muenchener Kreis” (Munich Circle) is a panel of experts of construction equipment and related areas whose mission is to give advice on technical and economic tasks and problems within its range of competence. The panel is also used as a cross-company platform to exchange experiences in specialist meetings and discussions of its members.


The main objectives of the expert panel of construction equipment are:

  • Forming professionally qualified opinions on current technical and economic topics of construction machinery technology as basis of a problem solving strategy, which is realistic for industry and quick to implement
  • Cooperating with and giving technical advice to political bodies, governments and institutions as well as professional and trade associations and interest groups, educational institutions and similar organisations in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

The content of the activities and consultations refers to all sectors of construction machinery technology, e.g.:

  • Development and project engineering
  • Engineering design and calculation
  • Testing and application.

This includes specialist areas that are closely connected with the design development and use of construction machinery, e.g.

  • Manufacture and assembly
  • Environmentally safe techniques and technologies
  • Planning and setting up of sites, and
  • Safety, work protection and optimum working conditions.

The work of the expert panel is focused on economic industrial and engineering issues aiming at technical progress, in particular in consideration of justified environmental protection requirements. The declared objective of the expert panel is to give advice on the basis of the latest state of the art of engineering research.

Scientific dialogue

For a high level of advisory service the dialogue with leading organisations of engineering and natural sciences at European and non-European level is sought. This is possible through joint scientific conferences or by participating in activities of scientific organisations and societies as well as by taking an active part in and becoming a member of appropriate bodies, professional associations, organisations and societies and scientific academies.